No matter whether a rock band or a lighting designer, a broadcast studio or an industrial application - Neutrik offers high quality and reliable solutions for every application.
opticalCON Fiber Optic Connection System Neutrik puts long time know-how and their whole passion into their innovative products and unique solutions.

The opticamSWITCH is the ultimate solution for fiber optic camera routing within broadcast studios. The device allows switching of unlimited camera positions between several studios and control rooms, eliminating the need for high-maintenance, risky matrix patch fields using SMPTE patch cables.
Spring loaded ground contact: retractable element with separate wedge contacts which keeps the shell in the front position when engaged thus also providing a direct and strictly coaxial electrical connection from the socket via the shell to the cable shield. All metal design, machined brass, black coated shell. Easy assembly and soldering (large soldering area, rapid-flow plating). High grade plastic insulator with high creep resistance.

Neutrik's powerCON series includes lockable, extremely robust and reliable 3 pole equipment (AC) connectors.
Wide range of accessories from circular adapters, D shape adapters, AES/EBU impedance transformers, modules, transformers, panel, goosenecks and sealing accessories.