NMK, GCC | Video Annotation

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NMK Electronics - Accessories


A wide variety of accessories. VGA to HDMI Adapter Kit, 4-Port USB Line Driver & 1-Port USB Line Driver.

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The Annotation Pro (AN C5) is a professional, hardware-based video processor, designed so that users can display content from video and computer sources connected directly to the Annotation Pro. Users can write annotations and markers directly on the video content to help explain any content.

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NMK Electronics - Annotation PRO
NMK Electronics - Pointmaker - NMK


Focus audience attention with greater detail and precision than ever before with the Pointmaker CR-400 4K annotation system. This model can be integrated into a variety of audio/visual systems; including large format broadcast displays, courtrooms, operating rooms, high-end presentation stages, and command and control centers.

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