Allen & Heath has updated its Avantis firmware, launching an update with new features for the 64-channel digital mixer including Avantis Director software, new dPack processors and workflow improvements.
The update includes Avantis Director software, a Windows and Mac OS application that allows offline editing and online control capabilities.
Offline mode of Avantis Director software can be used for the creation and editing of show files and system configuration, operating as a training tool for new users.
Online mode allows for full remote-control of the mixer, allowing a user to mix position to make changes remotely in the venue.Additional processors from the dLive system have also been added to the dPack add-on bundle, including OptTronik, Hypabass and the Transient controller.
LCR+ mode has been added for improved LCR mixing, with solo-in-place functionality as well as routing and patching options for processing and monitoring applications.
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